Friday, March 11, 2016

Redesigning the LOFT Experience


As the Design39Campus loft was created, our staff has realised that they want a better environment for the students in the loft. The loft is similar to a library, but more modern. The old loft consists of tables, books, and lots of other glass sound proof rooms for meetings.

Mrs. Hamilton has shared her plans for the loft with us, and we’d like to share with you what our future loft plans are. So first off, they are taking away the majority of the tables and chairs, and replacing them with much more comfortable chairs making it a much more comfortable environment for the children. Mrs. Hamilton is also creating a Tech Bar, which is actually run by students. Parents and teachers can give them the tech and they will work with it, as well as try to fix it. The last additions to our loft are more copies of books, which will then add more bookshelves to the loft. 

We hope our article and video helped you learn more about the loft redesign. We thank Mrs. Hamilton for her time and effort that goes towards helping the students.

Article and Video by:
Zoe V. , Abby R. , Caden U. , and  Jake K.

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