The Rady Children’s Bake Sale
By Lauren M. & Tori - School News Reporters
Remember the huge bake sale last year? Well, if you thought it was just about raising money and cupcakes, then think again. The bake sale held last year, was for a very important reason. On September 15, 2015 we interviewed Megnah, Riya, Aleezay, and Malak, the girls who had the bake sale, to get to know more about the bake sale and Rady Children’s.
Q : How did you guys come up with this idea?
Q : What is the meaning of the money?
A : They were raising the money for a program called Miracle Makers. They also wanted to raise money so Rady Children’s could buy supplies.
Q : Why did you choose a bake sale?
A : “We really like to bake,” the girls answered back excitedly. They also wanted to do something fun while still helping others.
Q : What did you sell at the bake sale?
A : Chocolate covered strawberries, s'more pops, cake pops, brownies, and cookies. “We didn’t want to only sell boring stuff like cupcakes so we decided to try some new things.”
Q : When was the bake sale?
A : Thursday May 28, 2015
Q : How much money did you raise?
A : $ 413.11
Q : How did you guys give the money to Rady Children’s?
A : The girls gave all the money to the bank. The bank then gave them a check/receipt to give to Rady Children’s.
Q : Did you guys get to meet any patients?
A : “No, sadly,” the girls replied, but, the girls did get a tour of Rady Children’s though.
The girls all in all had a great time planning and doing this bake sale. Maybe, sometime later this year, you and your friends can do a special fundraiser to raise money to help others!
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